Keep Up With DebateAble

Online Teaching

Halloween Debate: A Zombie Apocalypse

zombie apocalypse

Halloween is right around the corner and your debaters must decide: Which of them can survive the Zombie Apocalypse??


    (Read out loud): A terrible illness has invaded Planet Earth turning everyone who's infected into a ZOMBIE!! The good news is that there's a group of surviving humans in your town who live on a compound surrounded by a fence too high for zombies to climb. They are working to create a new society and this month they have room for just on…

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Why Teach Debate to Kids?

By DebateAble Coach, Sarah Yatsko 

As for many, the run up to the 2016 presidential election laid bare for me the fragile state of civil discourse. My social media feeds were full of friends and family members dismissing one another based on which candidate they supported or where they stood on a particular issue. There was little engagement, effort to understand or thoughtful debate. 
Coach Sarah and her first year DebateAble club 

In the middle of t…

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DebateAble Table Volume 3: Freedom of Speech in Schools


Today we're asking kids to think about freedom of speech - what it means and how it applies to them, as students. This is a topic very large in scope that a lot of smart people, from educators and students to politicians and voters, continue to debate, and we tried to narrow it down to make it relatable for kids. In the end, we know that no matter what anyone's opinion might be, there's always more than one side to every issue. Every perspective has value. And everyone has a seat at the table.…

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