DebateAble Tournaments provide exciting and unique opportunities for elementary students to participate in inter-school debates. Debaters are teamed with members of their club and debate a prepared topic. Each team participates in two rounds, arguing the Affirmative in one and the Negative in the other. Scores are tabulated and awards are presented at the conclusion to the highest scoring teams and individuals. All debaters receive a Certificate of Excellence for the skills and courage they demonstrate by presenting their arguments in a public setting.
We hope you had fun today! We had so much fun watching you present your speeches, support eachother and refute!
Before you leave this page tonight, we want to ask you to do us a favor. We worked together to make our meetings together and the tournament a success for everyone in our first online session. It would mean so much to us if you, parent and debater, would each take a few moments to give us some feedback by sharing your opinions about your club and today's competition.
Thank you in advance for using your voices to let us know what you think about DebateAble in these short surveys:
Now, on to the Tournament results!
Many of the scores were remarkably close, only a point or two away from each other. Out of all of the amazing debaters who participated today, we are listing the seven top scoring individual speakers and the six top scoring teams.
In addition, scroll down for a recap of the teams scored highest for every debate round.
Congratulations to everyone for all of your hard work and for raising your voice, listening to your opponents, supporting your teammates and bravely thinking on your feet. Coach Andres, Michele, Sarah and I are incredibly proud of each and every on of you. We hope to see you in the next session! -Coach Elizabeth
Top Scoring Individual Speakers
1. TIED: Aceius Elms and Stefan Teodorescu
2. Blake Thompson
3. Sid Shirodkar
4. Emme Osolin
5. Benny Basinski
6. TIED: Gennette Imoudu and Matei Bennett
Top Scoring Teams
1. Elise Wilder and Stefan Teodorescu
2. Krish Malladi and Genette Imoudu
3. Blake Thompson, Austin Elms, Juliet Perez
4. Angela He, Benjamin Basinski
5. Lincoln Rowan, Mattei Bennett
6. Aaron Zacharia, Ria Venkatrajan
Debate Round Winners: Red arrows point at the winning team each round.
More questions? Contact us.