DebateAble offers exciting and unique opportunities for elementary students to participate in online debates against peers from across the country. Debaters are teamed with members of their club to debate a prepared topic. Each team argues two rounds, the Affirmative in one and the Negative in the other. Judges provide feedback to every debater and tabulate scores using DebateAble metrics. All of the debaters are honored for the skills and courage they demonstrate by presenting their arguments. Top scoring debaters and teams are posted after each event.
UW and DebateAble Debate Camp
We hope you had fun at the CAMP and at your final debate match! WE had so much fun teaching you, talking and laughing with you, watching you debate, support each other and refute.
We congratulate every debater for all of your hard work and for raising your voice, listening to your opponents, supporting your teammates and bravely thinking on your feet. We are incredibly proud of each and every one of you. We hope to see you again! Keep debating!!!
You are all so talented! So many of the scores were remarkably close, many were only one point away from each other and several kids tied. Out of all of the amazing debaters who participated today, the top scoring individual speakers and teams are listed below.
Huge Congratulations to the debaters receiving Most Persuasive Awards!!!!
AM CAMP SESSION (Coaches Sarah, Andres, Abbie, Jack)
Most Persuasive Individual Speakers
1. Jaya
2. Jahnavi
3. Christopher (TIED)
3. Elijah (TIED)
3. Remy (TIED)
3. Adriana (TIED)
3. Victoria (TIED)
4. Ella
5. Aly
Most Persuasive Teams
1. Elijah, Adriana
2. Jahnavi, Ella, Jordan
3. Sophia, Rebecca, Christopher
PM CAMP SESSION (Coaches Linda, Andres, Abbie)
Most Persuasive Individual Speakers
1. Sidhanth
2. Avni
3. Vidita
4. Diya
5. Joshua
6. Hamsini
7. Alice
8. Kaihan
9. Andy
Most Persuasive Teams
1. Josh, Alice, Avni
2. Sid, Vidita, Ray
3. Andy, Kaihan, Aran